Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Half Of February

Well February's over as well hopefully one of these days I'll be organised with blogging.
Some cupcakes we made that look like ice creams.
Anyway the first half of Feb I went to watch the Blind Side I'd wanted to see the movie for a while so when it came out at the local theatre I decided that I'd go to watch it. I went on  my own which didn't bother me as I was glad to just get a night out without the kids. It was a really good movie but it did feel strange not having the boys with me almost like I'd forgotten someone. I also wanted to see precious but will have to wait until that comes out on dvd now.
Josh with his cupcake.
Alfie with his cupcake.
I helped out at Josh's valentines party which are so different to back home they send all the kids in class a valentines then if they want to send any to anyone in another class room they can so we end up with a bag full or candy and little miniature cards. It took me a while to get used to this but I like that they send 1 to everyone in the class rather than just the most popular kids getting them and you can normally get a pack of 24 valentine cards/sweets for a couple of dollars so it isn't overly expensive.
Josh also had a reading night at school which we went to. Alfie stayed at home as last time he decided to run around the library and jump up and down when the story was being read and it was nice to get some time just with Josh. They usually have a theme to their reading nights and this one was about bullying which was appropriate as Josh had been having some problems at school (which hopefully have been resolved).
We also had parent teacher conferences (parents evening). Josh got a really good report, he is lucky that he is really bright and so far doesnt have many problems with his school work usually getting straight A's although he does need to work on his organisation skills. This doesn't surprise me one bit as he can be a nightmare to just get him out of the door in the morning. He has also had a few late assignments which confused me as he always does his homework on time but apparently it's something to do with work he doesn't finish in class time. Anyway I've been reminding him to keep his desk tidy and organise his work and he seems to be doing better. We always seem to struggle to get work that is enough for him as his intellectual level is way above the year he is in but as we have already moved him up a year this isn't an option as then he would be struggling socially so it seems a constant battle with the school to get them to challenge him more. They know what he needs but so far we just seem to have conversations about what they can do rather than them actually doing anything but I can't really complain as he's happy and doing well. Hopefully next year he'll be challenged more.
Josh got a long weekend off school valentines weekend as it was parent teacher conferences on the friday and presidents day the following Monday so it was nice to have both my boys at home and we had lots planned.

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